Finding out that a loved one has just passed can be shocking, traumatic and life-altering. The news will inevitably leave you feeling devastated and overwhelmed. There are so many important considerations, decisions that need to be made, and tasks that must be completed.
The responsibility usually falls on one person in the family to complete all of these tasks, but it doesn’t have to. With some planning, communication and a list of what needs to be accomplished, these tasks can be divided among others so that everyone can share in these important tasks and it doesn’t have to be left to just one person who takes on so much, when they too are grieving.
Taking the time to communicate with loved ones and agreeing to make the calls to other friends and family members, calling the insurance company, canceling utilities, etc., can be a way to support each other through this difficult time, while being very specific of how others can help.
We hope you will take a few minutes to read this very informative article from AARP, written by Leanne Potts, entitled: What To Do When a Loved One Dies, Practical Steps You Need To Take in the Early Days. It is filled with valuable information and sound advice we think you will find very beneficial.
At Access Cremation, we are here to help you. Thank you for trusting us during this difficult time. Contact us anytime. A staff member is happy to assist you.