
Happy Funerals: A Celebration of Life?

Feb 12, 2022 | Access News, Articles & Information

It can be unfathomable to think of being happy upon experiencing the loss of a loved one.  However, many cultures honor the passing of a loved one by celebrating their life and remembering the many joyful and loving moments shared, as well as acknowledging how our lives have been made better for having had that loved one in our lives.  This act of memorializing and celebrating a life can be comforting as friends and family gather to hold space and hold each other up in such heart-wrenching times. 

The celebration of life does not have to be like anyone else’s celebration of life.  It can be as unique as your loved one and it can be as simple (or not) as you would like.  What matters however, is that you are able to remember the difference that the loved one made during their lifetime. 

We hope you will take a moment to read this article with various ideas, entitled: Happy Funerals:  A Celebration of Life? by Jon Kelly.

We at Access Cremation are here to help. Thank you for trusting us with your loved one during this difficult time. Feel free to contact us anytime.

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